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Teaching children to learn a musical instrument and finding a way to make them practice are definitely challenges. Thankfully, we have some new and improved ways of doing both, and we want to be as proud as you are when we find them improving and growing right in front of us.

Playing the piano helps to increase coordination and discipline in children. Learning to play the piano might just be the best activity at showing kids the direct correlation between hard work (practice) and the ability to achieve goals. We have several programs for kids listed below - find the one that you are looking for!

Semi-Private Lessons

If you are wondering if your child will like learning to play the piano, this is a great way to try it out. No commitment, affordable lessons, and you do not even need to buy your own piano or keyboard (we provide instruments for our students to practice on during our open practice times - for details see below).

*Currently, we are only accepting children ages 7+ into our our semi-private lesson program, but exceptions will be made for children who are mature for their age. But we do accept children of all ages into our 1-on-1 lessons.

1-on-1 Lessons

If your child is a a more advanced student or is looking to take exams or compete, then our 1-on-1 lessons are a better fit. We will customize a curriculum just for you!

Open Practice Times

We offer open practice times where anyone can come in and use our pianos during designated times. These are great for children as well as adults and teens.

*Access to our open practice times is automatically included for free in the semi-private lesson program.